
Free My Coke Rewards Code #2

This My Coke Rewards code came from a 12-pack of Sprite.

Free MCR Code #2


Note: The 'O's might be '0's (zeroes) and the 'U's might be 'V's.


Free My Coke Reward Code #1

This free My Coke Reward code came from a 12-pack of Coca Cola's.

Remember, if you are the first to redeem this code, please leave a comment saying you did so.

MCR Code #1



Redeeming MCR Codes

If you redeem one of the free My Coke Reward codes that I post, please comment on the blog post saying that you did so. It doesn't have to be long. Simply commenting "Redeemed" will suffice. This will keep other viewers of this blog from attempting to redeem an already used code.


Welcome to the free My Coke Rewards blog! My name is Brian, and I will be posting free My Coke Rewards codes as I get them from various sources. I have no need for these codes, but there seems to be a high demand by internet users such as yourself. I will post the free My Coke Rewards codes every couple of days, if not daily, so stay tuned for all the codes you can enter!